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Watch Your Tongue!

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

Do you remember the old rhyme that many of us quoted when we were children; “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”? The truth is that words are powerful things and can cause long lasting harm. Physical wounds will heal, but words spoken in anger can last a lifetime.

As a child my dad who was an alcoholic used to pick on me. He would call me stupid and mock me. He would tell me that I would never amount to any good. One time, he told my first girlfriend that she would be better breaking off with me and finding someone else. Those words stayed with me and I developed a hatred for my dad. For years I struggled with my worth and even believed that God could not love someone like me, because I was stupid and couldn’t do anything right. It was only when I met His Son Jesus Christ that my view of self began to change. I still struggle now and then, especially when I mess up or when things go wrong. I find myself during those times asking; “God do You really love me? Of course He does and He has never stopped.

I was very careful what I said to my two children in raising them. I leaned from my past and the way that the Jews raised their children. They speak into their children’s lives everyday and tell them how bright and intelligent they are. That they will go far and can do anything they set their minds to. If you look at some of the most intelligent and successful people today and see what their upbringing was, you’ll find most come from Jewish families.

Parents be very careful what you say to your children. Let them know always you love them and are proud of them even when they mess up. Show them how to get back up and try again. Encourage them at every turn and never, never for what ever reason put them down. Punish them when they do wrong, but always let them know it is because you love them.

If you are a spouse always speak encouraging words to your husband or wife. Let them know how much you love them and appreciate all they do, even the little things. I take the time to always thank my wife and let her know how special she is to me. It is amazing how just using words that bring life can spice up your marriage. If your marriage is struggling, try using positive words in speaking to each other and I bet within a few days you’ll begin to see a difference.

Last year some words were spoken over my life that almost destroyed me. For the last year I almost believed I was a person without hope and that God had abandoned me and I would never be used again. Every night for the last year I would go to bed crying out to Him wanting to hear some kind of word. All the words that were spoken to me years ago were mocking me even to the point that I was coming to believe that just like my dad, God couldn’t find any good in me either. I had been thrown away and was only fit to be thrown into the fire. I kept up a good front as I didn’t want anyone to know the pain I was going through.

About a month I found a church called Daily Hope just down the street from us. I called the church and arranged that my wife and I would visit. That night I had a dream where all of a sudden I was given a new song, but yet it was an old song. Hard to understand, but in my spirit I know what it means. As I began to sing this old/new song I was raised up into the air beside a flag pole and I knew that this was the Holy Spirit that was upholding me and I saw that I was singing to the nation. It was the next day that I got a call from the pastor of Daily Hope and knew then after meeting with him that God was not finished with me. I was exactly where He wanted me to be and that this was the appointed time.  He had never abandoned me. I remember a prophet speaking over me years ago and now his words come back to mind so clearly. He said that God was calling out to me as though through a megaphone saying; “You are my son and I have called you from before you were even in your mothers womb and I set out a path for you. There are those who have even said, can anything good come out of this man? But be encouraged because they said the very same things about my Son. I tell you that in that appointed time my Spirit will fall upon you and they will know that I have called you by my name, says the Lord.”

Please, please be very careful what you speak into someone’s life. You may have very good intentions, but you can cause more harm than good.

Just as I finished writing this blog I looked at I bag of Granola that I was munching on and even though my eyesight is poor, I saw a scripture on the bag stood out and it says; “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Could the Lord be speaking any more clearly?

Pastor Gerry Desjardins

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